Colby started his last semester at Weber. It is definitely an adjustment for him to only have to go to one university and his Weber classes are mainly online. He only has to go to Ogden twice a month for lectures so this pace has been different for him. I have really liked it because he has been able to help me out at home with the girls more than he would have in previous semesters. He is, however, getting anxious to get started in his PA program.
He has been super helpful since having the baby. I'm very lucky that I have a guy who isn't afraid to do a little cooking, cleaning, and diaper duty!!
(I love watching these two play.....)
I am adjusting to life as a mother of two!! It is still a crazy thing for me to think about. The first few weeks after delivering Hanna I almost felt like I had crazy amounts of adrenaline. I felt so great not being pregnant anymore. I was able to clean things that had not been cleaned in so so long! The fatigue finally started to set in just after she turned 3 weeks old.
I am starting to look for jobs up in Salt Lake. There aren't a ton but I'm sure going to give it my all until I'm able to nail something down! I have applied for about 5 at the U and got a phone interview for one of them. I don't think I did very good cause I was a little caught off guard but hopefully, if I get anymore I'll be a little more prepared!
We finally got a car that we can all fit into!! It is a 2012 Dodge Durango and I love it! I really hadn't looked into Durango's before but we found it on KSL and couldn't pass it up......I am hoping it'll last us a good 10 years or so. I'm not looking forward to the payments though.
Big sister started back in dance at the first of the month. She looks forward to it every week. She also graduated from Nursery and started Sunbeams. She is so good at singing I Am a Child of God, Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam, Do As I'm Doing, and the Wise Man Built His House on A Rock. I love listening to her sing these songs when she thinks I'm not listening!
She loves being the big sister and is constantly wanting Hanna to watch her do tricks. She loves to go grab diapers and wipes for me and get the bum cream ready. Sometimes she is a little too helpful and she thinks she wants to help me breatfeed by "squeezing" them. She obviously has no regard for personal space yet! Ha ha. Just a few days after Hanna was born she asked me if I had another baby in my belly and when I told her no she asked why my belly was so squishy. She is always very concerned about her sister. When she cries she says, "Oh no, whats wrong with my sister?" She wants to hold her about a thousand times a day. The first couple weeks she was a lot more clingy to me. She has always been a daddy's girl so it was a little weird for me. Now she has turned a bit more defiant and she is not wanting to listen. I think she thinks she can get away with more since I'm tied up feeding or burping or changing a bum.
She also has not been wanting to sleep in her room unless her dad is sleeping in there with her. I think she is a little jealous of the baby getting to sleep in our room. We have been struggling with her nap time- she is kind of transitioning into not having a nap but it is hard. She hasn't been getting sleepy enough to nap until 5 or 6 at night and then she won't go to sleep on time. But she gets so sleepy she can't stay awake any longer.
This month something happened that I have been dreading for a VERY long time. She found some scissors and CHOPPED her hair when she was supposed to be in her room sleeping while we were watching a movie!!!! She did quite a number on it. She feels really bad and keeps saying, "I don't like this hair" and "I look like a boy" and "Is my hair growing?" It is amazing how much it has effected her self confidence. She doesn't like to look at herself in the mirror anymore. I had no idea that a three year old could have confidence issues!!!! It breaks my heart. We keep telling her she is beautiful and her hair will grow.
(The full pageant- swimsuit, talent, evening gown)
(First day of Sunbeams)
(Repunzel hair she did herself)
("I wanna hold my sister")
(The product of her chop session)
(The aftermath)
Hanna has been doing what newborns do best. Eating sleeping and pooping! Ha ha- at her two week appointment she was passed her birthwieght at 8 lbs 3 oz and she had grown an inch measuring 21 inches. She has been much easier to breastfeed. It may be because I am not a nervous new mom this go round but it has thus far been a much better experience. She is eating about every 2 1/2 to 3 hours during the day. At night she has been stretching her feeds to about four hour stretches so I usually only have to wake up once or twice to feed her. She hasn't been a very spitty baby thus far which I am very grateful for. I am having a really hard time not just sitting in my chair all day and rocking her to sleep. I really need to stop doing that though cause I can tell that she is definitely getting used to it. But it is one of my favorite things to hold a sleeping newborn. Our schedule goals for this last month have simply been: Try to get a full feeding and not just snacking and follow the Eat-Wake-Sleep routine. I have loftier goals for this next month. I am going to try to not hold her while she is sleeping as often. Start having a specific "start the morning" time- hopefully around 0800 give or take a half hour. Stretch the night time feedings to 6 hours or more. We'll see what I am able to accomplish! This week is her 5 week mark and she has definitely hit a fussy point. That is exactly when Hayden hit her fussy mark as well. The other night she kept us up until 0330. I was exhausted!! I am hoping that this doesn't last like it did with her sister! She is such a happy baby all day long but around 11 pm she gets very irritated. It's so sad!
(Hanna with her Namesake- her Great-Grandma Joyce- an amazing woman)
(Memorable moments of our first month)
(One month photo shoot- big sister wanted in on the action too.....topless.....with a tiara.....)
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