Along with the leaves changing, October Conference, pumpkins, and midterms, comes more milestones Millie! As of the 16th, she is now 18 months old- I say 1 1/2 cause that just seems easier to comprehend! One blessed thing that this milestone brings is NURSERY!

This ^ is how we thought nursery was going to go! But- to our surprise- she actually did really good! However, she has only been the once because we weren't at church this last week. She went to Delta to spend the weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Moody while Colby and I were hunting. Needless to say- I got sick and my parents came down with it too! So- we'll see how nursery goes this next week!
18 Month Milestones
21 lbs 12 oz 14%
32 1/2 in 73%
She is talking more and more- I'll try to think of the new words she is saying but I always remember more after I have posted!
eye- ear- mouth- nose- toes- head- hair- oatmeal- nana (banana)- shish (fish)- deer (her dad has been REALLY working on this one)- dad (finally- still no mom)- bottle (instead of baba)- shoe- horse- meow- ot ot ot (for hot hot hot)- du (duck- sounds just like she says dog so its hard to distinguish unless she is pointing)- ball (ball, balloon, pumpkin- she generalizes)- ssshhhh (she puts her finger to her mouth- I think she learned this in nursery cause she wasn't doing it before then)
Of course, she only says these things when we aren't expecting it and not when we ask her to say something. Everything is on her terms! We are still working on mom and Charlie-
She is recognizing and following simple commands like 'go get in the bath' or 'lets go change your bum' or 'wanna go outside.' I am REALLY working on 'let's clean up your toys!'
She is using a fork and spoon with confidence- whether or not it makes it to her mouth before falling off that is the question- but she sure is confident about it! I no longer can feed her, she has to do it herself- using utensils. Occasionally she will let me "load" her spoon or fork before she takes a bite; but that is only when she wants me too.
She still loves pretty much all foods! She begs for banana's and eats all of her veggies before anything else. For example, I made her some mac and cheese and some green beans for lunch- I mixed them together- she picked out all of the green beans first and then proceeded to eat the pasta. Then tonight, I made homemade chicken noodle soup and she picked out all the carrots and celery and ate them first before the noodles and chicken. I really hope that these good eating habits continue! If she doesn't like something the first time I try again and again- but she really hasn't needed much coercion! It is one of my goals as a parent to not raise picky eaters because I was/am picky and I hate it and wish I could change but I don't have the willpower! Ha ha- I do feel that good eating habits are definitely a learned behavior so I want to start my kids young. Hayden always gets a veggie or fruit with every meal (except I sometimes skip breakfast and just do oatmeal). She has eaten veggies that I don't think I ever tried growing up like brussel sprouts, spaghetti squash, artichoke, tomatillos, ect. and she eats them all without flinching!
She still sleeps pretty good (when we are home- elsewhere is another story). She takes two naps still and I really don't see us dropping one for a while- she just gets so tired! She also sleeps 12 hours at night sometimes she pushes 13! This is a great thing cause her mama needs her sleep and needs time to do homework in the evenings I don't work!!
The only complaint I have about this munchkin is when teething comes around!! It takes about 3 WEEKS for ONE stinking tooth to come through and she is a TERROR through the whole process! She still only has 9 so we have a while to go before we're done! Ugh!
Shifting gears......
I am my ward's Activity Day leader! It was a calling that I was nervous about but have enjoyed! This month I was only able to get one activity because I was the only leader (I now have help) and I have been pretty busy working and with school! So this week I took the girls on a Cemetery Scavenger Hunt!! It seemed fitting around Halloween time and I wanted to expose the girls to a family history avenue! My friend Sasha is a cemetery/family history GENIUS- so I called upon her to help me gather facts about cemeteries!
Hayden doesn't think Activity Days is all that fun- she is pretty clingy the ENTIRE time! Thank goodness it's just an hour!
Here is me, the girls, and my new helper Kim after our Cemetery Scavenger Hunt!
Thanks to Sasha, I was able to put together this fun little handout to guide them! The girls ended up really liking the activity and wanted to keep looking for stuff once the activity was over! I think they will have a new perspective when visiting cemeteries!