Obviously, the majority of my posts are about one certain individual. She happens to be the most entertaining human in our family that is why she gets so much air-time! However, this is our family's so-called 'scrapbook' so I figure that I should tell a little bit about the other two humans- aka Megan and Colby. However, the two of us really are quite boring! Ha ha- we are busy though!
I'll start off by telling a little bit about Colby-
Colby has made some critical decisions since we have been married. One of which was when we found out we were going to be parents- he quit his job (in Delta) and moved back down to Cedar to be with me. He had been wanting to go to school and get a degree since he returned from his mission but wasn't able to narrow down exactly what degree that would be! So- when he moved back down, he made the quick decision to become a Radiology Technician and he ran with it. He was able to bust out his prerequisite courses within a year and applied for Weber State's program through Valley View Medical Center here in Cedar.

So, in August, Colby started his two-year program. He has to complete three 8-hour shifts a week at Valley View's radiology department. I was really nervous that after all the work and preparation that he would start the program and decide he doesn't like the line of work. However, he has really enjoyed it so far. Colby also works for the Cedar City Water Deparment. He is busy doing his work hours, clinical hours, homework, and trying to get in a little hunting this fall.
Meanwhile- I decided that while Colby is going to school and while Millie is young- I had better just jump on the band wagon and finish up my goals as well. Last fall- I took a statistics class (with Colby) in order to be able to start applying to graduate programs. I applied to the University of Utah's Doctorate of Nursing (Family Nurse Practitioner) program and the University of Cincinnati's Master's of Nursing program. I got accepted into both but had to weigh out the pros and cons to both programs. The U's program was 3 years (hence the Dr.) and Cinci's was only 2. I really wanted to have the prestige of being a U graduate and the Dr. degree but decided to go with Cinci for reason's such as: I don't want my kids to be 5 years apart and I can't be pregnant and go to school (cause I'm pretty much worthless while prego), there are no campus visits for Cinci, and it just felt like the right thing for me! I will have the exact same license by the time I'm through. So, in June I started my program!
Also- I work in St. George at Dixie Regional Medical Center in the Central Staffing department and I LOVE it! I get to work everywhere from ICU to NICU to Med/Onc ect. I have learned so much and feel that it has been a great opportunity to help me grow and prepare for my education.
(at work on CVU)
We are the poorest that we have been in our whole married lives because we are both only working part-time right now- we don't see each other nearly enough- and our stress levels are through the roof!
Luckily, because of great friends and family and some good inter-marital teamwork, we will survive these next two years! I hate to wish them away because that will mean that our baby will be 3!! But, it will be so nice to be done and hopefully then we can gain some stability and normalcy in our lives!
......and bring some more cute kiddos into the world! He he
Oh- here is a picture of our little house we bought when we were expecting- I hope to be able to go take pictures of the other places we have lived since being married- but for now- this is our home.
1 comment:
New follower! I loved this post! Such an awesome hubby for making that big decision! Congrats to him getting in! Also, congrats to you! Can't wait to follow you through this journey` Stay strong and I'm praying for you!
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