Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas 2010

We, as always, had a fabulous Christmas and was spoiled by all of our wonderful family members!!!
Millie got WAAAYYY to much stuff for an 8 month old!!! She got so much that we weren't even able to fit it into the car to get home-
She did better than I thought with her first encounter with Santa- she stared at him- then pulled his beard- then started to cry! Ha ha- it was so cute!
Here are the two little cousins riding their twinner ponies!! They actually do pretty good at balancing- Brody also has a fabulous dismount!
All the Bliss cousins- you can tell the ones who really didn't want to go back to Santa- their parents had to escort them!
Hayden meeting her new little cousin Shayda! She is SSOOOO pretty and has so much dark hair!
On Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa Cox's house we took advantage of the situation to get a four generation photo- (ignore my lack of makeup and wet hair! I had just gotten my hair done and eyebrows waxed!)

We hope everyone had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

1 comment:

Shayla Finlinson said...

I love the picture of the kids on the horses so cute... I can't believe how big she is getting so fun..