Thursday, February 17, 2011

~*~ tEn MoNtHs ~*~

I seriously cannot believe that she is ten months old!! I am totally loving her! We have been so lucky to not have to deal with major sickness or problems- she has had a little bit of a runny nose and she has been cranky for a few days but other than that she is a happy healthy little angel!

10 Month Stats
Weight 18 1/2 lbs- 26th Percentile
Height 28 1/4 Inches- 55th Percentile
Things she can do at 10 months!
She is totally motoring around the house EVERYWHERE!! She can really cruise on those hands and knees!
She is pulling up to things*
She is little miss jAbBeR jaws~
She tries to escape everytime we change her butt!
Still no signs of any teeth in the forseeable future- I'm totally okay with that-
She has learned how to put her tongue in the way of the spoon to COMPLETELY refuse her food*
She LOVES icecream~ even Uncle Brad with his cowboy hat and mustache can win her over with a little icecream!
She is very very ticklish- especially on her collar bones!
Her and Charlie like to touch noses through the glass on the french doors while Charlie is outside.
She combs her fingers through my hair while I'm feeding her her bottle-
There is so much more that she does I just can't think of any more right now- but of course- they will come to me right when I hit post!

Monday, February 14, 2011

I hEaRt *Heart Day*

I love Valentines Day~ even more this year since I am SSOOO in lOvE with this little sweet thing!

OOHH OOHH AAHH AHH!! My little mOnKeY Millie!!

We spent our Valentines Day a little unconventially this year~ good babysitters are few and far between- especially when there aren't any Grandma's in town!! So we toted our little Valentine to NINJA'S for a little Japanese food! She loved watching the fire and tried her best to poke her eyes out with the chopsticks*

Hayden and Dad all ready for DATE NIGHT!!

Love the grin......and the messy hair!!

Crawling butts drive me nuts!

Hey Charlie- let me check your teeth!!!

Momma- I need it to be summer so I can go out to THAT forbidden territory.

Dad- I'm stuck- why are you laughing at me???
Hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Valentines Day!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Embrace the Opposition!

We are now on day #2 of having FROZEN pipes in our bathrooms! We have full-functioning-faucets in our kitchen and the washing machine works-but, we have to fill up the back of the toilet with water using big bowls before we are able to go to the bathroom and flush the toilet! It's definately not your ideal situation- just imagine- you have to pee sooooo bad but first you have to fill up the bowls- running water and a full bladder don't mix! Ha ha
We are hoping that the situation gets resolved SOON!! We are starting to stink! ha ha! No showers for us yesterday! Hayden is lucky she still fits in the sink (kinda)!
So- please- no one come visit cause our house is a wreck, the heater is cranked, and we smell homeless!
Amidst the chaos of a home in shambles- there is peace- nothing is better than having a sleeping baby on your chest! I don't do this often because I don't want to create bad habits and I don't have a cuddly baby; but, I cherish every moment when we do this!

It is so very amazing how I have spent a small fortune on baby items/toys to keep her entertained and she gets the MOST entertainment out of cords! She loves them- this particular one she played with for a good 45 minutes!
Oh how I love her long eyelashes!
The other day we had a pajama day- yes I am guilty of staying in mine a lot of the time but I USUALLY get her dressed at least! But, the other day- we both sported the jammies and crazy hair all day long! I love this gummy grin!!